Dota 2 Hero Guide Patch 7.22c : Lycan

Hi reveluter ! πŸ˜€

How Are You ?? I hope you doing fine πŸ™‚

Are You Tired Having 20 More Kill But Still Losing The Game???

Introducing To You One and only LycanΒ !!! πŸ˜€


This hero is very good at push, So instead you get many kill, This hero give you many Enemy tower πŸ˜€ , his skill make him one of the best pusher in Dota 2

This hero often take safe lane or jungle, but I more recommend you to go safe lane, because you need to build your item and also you need to get much experience to be able to do a good split push and safelane cover all of that. But if you have good reason to take the jungle, then take it πŸ˜€ . You can take jungle if, your lane is dead lane ( Dead lane = You can’t last hit and you just can watch enemy dominate your lane, this is very sad actually ) 😦

Now let me tell you about the skill of this hero :

Skill : Summon Wolves


Info : This skill summon 2 wolves, that can be controled, if the level of this skill hits level 4, the wolves will invisible.

My Tips :

  1. You can denied the tower with this wolves.
  2. You can check roshan with this skill, and with the level 4, you can check roshan without getting notice by enemy team πŸ˜€
  3. Sometimes when you get poison or doom to death, there is no one come to denied you, because your friend to far from you, so you can use the summoned wolve to denied you ( I know this stuff is hard, but if you know how much the wolve attack affect your health bar, its easy to do this πŸ™‚ )
  4. You can open vision with this wolve too, and thats very helpful for your teammates to initiator the team fight, but remember your first priority is to push, not to kill as much as you can πŸ˜€

Skill : Howl


Info :Β This skill give ally hero and the unit their control get more attack speed, armor and health regeneration

My Tips :

  1. You can help your teammates who get ganked by using this skill, to buy more time.
  2. You can use this skill after you summon the unit that you can summon, so the skill will not waste.
  3. This skill can do massive demage to tower with the help of your unit.

Skill : Feral Impulse


Info : This is a passive skill that allow you and unit controled by you get more demage and hp regeneration.

My Tips :

  1. This skill is very good to push tower.
  2. You can use this skill to jungle, because this skill give you and your unit a lot of demage.
  3. This skill give your controled unit hp regeneration, thats mean your unit will be more durable and more hard to kill πŸ˜€

Skill : Shapeshift


Info :Β This skill give lycan and his unit, movement speed, night vision and also critical.

My Tips :

  1. This skill is very good to do split push, so when enemy come you can run or fight back πŸ˜€
  2. This skill also give your unit critical, so thats make you more easy to clean enemy wave, and keep pushing.
  3. This skill transform animation can’t be cancel even if you get stunned, knock back, or taunted ( In my experiment, I try many skill to test what method can cancel the ultimate, but I can’t cancel the ultimate transform, so for now I will say, Your animation Will not get cancel, if you even get a crowd control )

Skill Build :

We have the most common build for this hero, but that doesn’t mean this skill build is the best build, the true best skill build is the build that based on the game, but to have instinct like that, you need to have good experience on that hero, so practice well, Reveluter πŸ˜€

skill build lycan

Item Build :

In my opinion there is 2 build for this lycan, the first one is build for Pusher, that use many unit and micro stuff, because any unit under his control will get many advantage by this lycan skill, the second is build for solo damage, and not using more unit (wolf doesn’t count) also this build didn’t use item like necronomicon, and this build just focus on the demage for lycan itself. In this Lycan’s Guide, I prefer to give you guys the pusher guide, because if you want to climb to the higher MMR the solo demage build will not working very well. ( Also the skill build that I give you in the Skill Build Stage is for the pusher’s build not for the solo demage buildΒ )

Start Game :


Early Game :


Power Thread : This boots is very good with you, because this boots give you advantage such a strength, and attack speed, we know lycan have a very good movement speed, if he is in ulti, but he is lack of attack speed πŸ˜€

Vladmir’s Offering : This item give your allieas and also your unit, so many advantage, and thats very good for you, to do split push or jungle πŸ˜€

Mid Game :


Helm Of Dominator : This item give you more item and also you will get the aura from the unit that you take control too πŸ˜€

Necronomicon Level 1 : This item give you more unit, that can give you more aura too πŸ˜€

Late Game :


Boots Of travel : This boots very good at late game, because this boots allow you to teleport to your invisible wolf πŸ˜€

Necronomicon Level 3 : You can upgrade your necronomicon to deal more damage and also have a true sight too πŸ˜€

Assault Cuirass : This item give you and your unit more attack speed and armor, and also decrease enemy hero and tower armor, this item make you more easy to split push and deal massive damage to enemy tower πŸ˜€

Manta Style : This sound ridiculous, but manta style actually very good at lycan, because the illussion can still get your aura effect and your ultimate buff, and also we all know 7.22 c allow your illusion have a life steal and also hp regen πŸ˜€ , but if you think you didn’t like to use manta style on lycan, you can change this item to Desolator Desolator_iconΒ to give you more damage or use Pipe Pipe_of_Insight_iconΒ  to protect you and your unit from magic demage πŸ˜€ , its just my recommend, so the last item its up to you πŸ™‚ , you can choose the most fits item for your game πŸ˜€

Talent Β :

In my opinion, there is no best talent, so choose your talent based on your game, don’t pick talent because β€œThey Say That Talent IMBA”, Β just pick the talent that you need in your game, SO ITS SITUATIONAL DEPEND ON THE GAME??? the answer is YES πŸ˜€ , Like the skill build, the talent build also same, you need to have a good experience with that hero, after you playing many game with that hero, you will slowly understand, what talent your hero need in every game you play πŸ˜€ , So practice more Reveluter πŸ™‚


Level 10 :

  • +20 demage : In early game you need more demage to last hit and push tower, because in this stage, you didn’t have too many item 😦 (most picked talent)
  • +5 armor : If you feel you didn’t tank enough and enemy have many physical demage hero, you can take this talent.

Level 15 :

  • 12% cooldown reduction : This cooldown reduction have a very big impact on you, because you have many long cooldown skill and item Β πŸ˜€Β  (most picked talent)
  • +10 feral hp regeneration : This talent is very good to give you and your unit more durability, if you have enemy that have a good dps, like doom, you can take this talent, to make your unit more durable to tank doom dps πŸ˜€

Level 20 :

  • +16% feral impulse demage : This talent give you and your unit more damage, so thats very good for you to push tower πŸ˜€
  • +8s duration shape shift : This talent extend your ultimate duration, so thats mean you get more damage and movement speed and its affect your unit πŸ˜€Β  (most picked talent)

Level 25 :

  • +3 wolves summoned : Our first priority is to push, and more unit mean more damage to tower too πŸ˜€ (most picked talent)
  • +40% chance shapeshift critical strike : This talent is very good, if you must do a team fight, so you and your unit can deal massive damage by have 80% to critical on them πŸ˜€

Remember :

Lycan is a Pusher

So Push is your first priority.

Lycan is also a Carry, But thats didn’t mean you must get kill more than 10 every game.

Carry didn’t must always get high amount kill, some carry need to push to win the game, not to erase all enemy team then push the game to win.

So if you have a chance to teamfight or push, do push instead of kill because push is your first priority to make you win the game.

But you need to make sure to have friend that can do impact in teamfight, to make a space for you to split push.

So thats my Guide about LycanΒ πŸ˜€ , Hope you enjoy and learn much from it πŸ™‚

Be Positive and always learn from the failure Reveluter ! πŸ™‚

Don’t Forget : Practice Make Perfect! πŸ˜€

See You Soon Reveluter! πŸ™‚

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